"Coding is like poetry, a compact expression that can be the most liberating. Everyone should learn coding irrespective of whether they are studying computer science, history, or literature. It is a core skill and a malleable, changeable resource for the future," said Satya Nadella, chief executive officer, Microsoft.
Microsoft’s changing as its products, under the leadership of Satya Nadella who with his influence and reforms transformed the face of the company. The company has been reformed many a time from being portrayed as a bureaucratic organization, Microsoft has transformed its image into a trendy innovative company that supports developing communities and believes in learning and open-source culture. The CEO is said to have a stern belief in cloud technology and learning in association with it. The company is the epitome of why coding is necessary and is the sole way in the development and so this article will look into how coding designs the developed future.
Onstage at Microsoft’s Ignite enterprise developer conference in Florida 21st Oct 2020,
CEO Satya Nadella announced a host of new tools aimed at making it easier for anyone to develop apps. The CEO has described that the company is aiming to make developing software’s easy and approachable by introducing many no-code software and tools. With the announcement, we can expect that soon the days will come when developing apps wouldn’t require a professional coder.
More and more software applications like Salesforce, Pipedrive, Trello, Airtable, et al. have built platforms supported no-code principals. a number of these apps specialize in specific functions like sales teams. Others deliver more general collaboration. regardless of the application, no-code software strategies include four areas of focus:
Supply drag and drop features or other widgets which will be visually organized to create apps or configure business processes
Generate simple "filters" and data queries to empower instant customization
Use APIs to simply integrate data from various web services or other applications
Broaden appeal to non-technical users versus targeting traditional developers
The adoption of no-code software won't happen overnight. But significant forces are driving the trend, which makes it a subject to be understood and explored by both the developers and users.